If you would like us to give a talk to your group, or for more information about any of our events Tel 01249 705508 or email dorothy.treasure@wiltshire.gov.uk or email alysoncurtis@btinternet.com

Visiting us at the History Centre

The Wiltshire Buildings Record office is open on Tuesdays.  If possible please let us know a week in advance if you are planning a visit.  We are looking forward to welcoming you.

Annual Study Day

This year’s Study Day 2024 Architecture from Alfred the Great to George V – a celebration of a thousand years of Wiltshire buildings and 45 years of The Wiltshire Buildings Record – was on Saturday 12th October at The Town Hall in Devizes SN10 1BN.

For the Booking Form and details of the speakers and talks please click on the following links:  WBR STUDY DAY BOOKING FORM 2024WBR Poster ARCHITECTURE FROM ALFRED THE GREAT TO GEORGE V; WBR Flyer – ARCHITECTURE FROM ALFRED THE GREAT TO GEORGE V